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有一种特别的水槽正在重新流行起来,那就是围裙前面的水槽,也就是农舍式的水槽。这些铸铁盆让人想起世纪之交管家的食品储藏室里的水槽。如果你正在寻找一个小水槽,这种风格是完美的,或者它可以作为一个小厨房的第二个水槽。科勒制造了几种型号的这种围裙前水槽。Alcott是一款基本的铸铁型号,有多种颜色可供选择,还配有协调的2″x 6″陶瓷瓷砖。它也可在瓷砖和柜台下的型号,灵活的安装。记住,在选择和安装水龙头时,柜台下的型号会给你更多的选择。想要一个更真实的、世纪之交的外观,选择挂在墙上的水龙头。科勒还提供了几个围裙前面的装饰风格。科勒的艺术家版本代表了他们新的表面装饰装置线。 Tidings features a carved apron front that can be ordered with or without a Game Bird Motif. This model is available tile-in or under-the-counter. Tidings would be the ideal choice for a weekend lodge or camp house, carrying that theme just a bit further. For a more classic, yet decorated, look, Alencon Lace is the sink for you. As the name implies, this sink features a carved apron suggestive of French lace. The cast-iron model is, again, available in tile-in or under-counter installation. The beauty of this sink is the fact that ‘the pattern is organic and abstract and will blend easily with many decorating schemes,’ says Mary Reid, director-advanced concept development for Kohler decorative products. Alencon is available in Black, Sandbar and Cashmere.

展示你的风格科勒艺术家版系列的另一款产品是装饰盆。这些水槽提供了一个很好的机会,使您的影响在您的化妆室或在一个较小的浴室。柜台和柜台下均可使用。科勒为这些表面装饰的水槽提供了四种选择。图案Flight of Fancy的灵感来自精致餐具典型的凸起珐琅浮雕,散布着美丽的蜜蜂、蝴蝶、植物和带有金属色彩的微妙色彩。为了让设计回到原点,你可能想看看科勒(Kohler)的新Vas和Bol水龙头。这些瓷器水龙头的灵感来自维多利亚时代的设计。水从一个喷口流出,以一种非常戏剧性的方式提供了出色的水输送。无论是前面的围裙和表面装饰水槽需要最低限度的维护。每一个都应该用无研磨性的厨房清洁剂清洗。 As with any surface, you should test the cleanser on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire sink. You should also never allow the cleanser to soak into the surface. Apply, rinse and then rub dry with a soft cloth. To minimize scrubbing, you may want to place rubber mats in the bottom of your cast-iron sinks; this will prevent black marks from appearing when cleaning pots and pans.

铜水槽正在进行一次大胆的回归。铜通常用于酒吧水槽,但它在家庭中也越来越受欢迎。Rachiele集团是铜水槽的领先生产商,可以为您提供几乎任何形状或大小的水槽,它们是定制厨房,酒吧或需要翻新的旧厨房的理想选择。设计范围从一个围裙前面,角落水槽与凹进下水道(完美的使用作为盆栽站),到新的和非常创新的Eclipse。Eclipse是第一个铜和不锈钢的混合开发。Rachiele集团完善了将铜和不锈钢融合在一起的技术,生产出了内部不锈钢,正面为铜的水槽。你可能对铜有一个保留意见,那就是这种材料会随着时间的推移而变绿。与普遍的看法相反,这种氧化只发生在水槽直接暴露在室外的情况下。为了让你的脸盆保持原始状态,制造商建议使用酒吧管理员的朋友。你也可以抛光水槽,然后涂上家具上光剂或汽车蜡来密封表面,防止形成铜锈。 A cheaper alternative is to rub the surface with salt and lemon wedges, or rub with ketchup and then rinse. This deep cleansing routine should be performed once a month, depending on your water quality. If you prefer a more natural look, clean with regular kitchen soap or liquid detergent and a beautiful caramel brown patina with hints of blue and purple will eventually appear. Vessel The Vessel basin is the sink of choice for the extreme modernist. Ideal for powder rooms and baths, the Vessel provides a somewhat rustic, yet streamlined, approach. If the rustic look appeals to you, consider installing the piece within a wooden or concrete countertop. For a truly modern, sleek approach, ‘float’ the vessel on a glass vanity. The latter method will require much more labor, and possibly the assistance of a professional. Another complement to this line of lavatories is the wall-mounted faucet. The faucet must be mounted at least 4″ above the rim of the bowl, and the spout must reach at least 5″ for proper positioning and to minimize splashing.



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