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电弧故障电路断路器(afci)旨在提供更好的保护免受电弧故障火灾。典型的家用保险丝和电路对家庭布线中的早期电弧和火花情况没有反应。当保险丝或断路器打开电路来消除这些情况时,火灾可能已经开始了。几年前,消费品安全委员会的一项研究将电弧故障检测确定为一项有前途的新技术。从那时起,CPSC电气工程师对市场上的新型afci进行了测试,发现这些产品可以有效地保护家庭免受某些故障布线情况的影响。afci在预防火灾方面的有效性已经得到认可。最新版的《国家电气规范》(National electric Code)是广泛采用的电线标准,要求新住宅建筑的卧室电路采用afci。该代码的未来版本很可能会扩大覆盖范围。之所以采用卧室电路代码,是因为许多家庭火灾死亡都发生在居民被困在卧室时。您可以考虑为新建或旧的现有房屋添加AFCI保护。 Older homes with ordinary circuit breakers may especially benefit from the added protection against the arcing faults that can occur in older wiring systems.

分支电路AFCI可以是断路器类型的,也可以是安装在面板附近的独立部件。分支馈线安装在分支电路原点的面板上。这些保护分支电路布线,馈线布线,也提供一些有限的保护分支延伸布线,如电线组或电源线。出口电路afci安装在分支电路的出口盒上,为插在出口盒上的成套线材和电源线提供保护。组合装置既符合分支/馈线和出口电路的要求,又能保护下游分支电路的布线以及线组和电源线。出口/分支电路单元安装在分支电路的第一出口。它们为下游分支布线、电线组和电源线以及上游分支电路布线提供保护。便携式设备插入插座插座。这些装置为连接的电线和电源线提供保护。损坏或过热的电源线经常引起火灾,而这些简单的设备可以成为救星。 Corded AFCIs are often part of a power-supply cord and are designed to plug into a receptacle to provide protection to the power cord.

类似的设备是漏电流检测和中断设备(LCDI)。这是提供在一个电线组或电源线和感应电流流过电线。它以预设的漏电电流电平中断电路。重要的是要理解上述设备中没有一个与接地故障电路中断器(GFCIs)相同。GFCIs设计用于防止电击。将AFCI和GFCI保护集于一体的组合设备将很快面世。作为一个可用的例子,FIRE-GUARD AFCI断路器,来自伊顿/刀具锤,可应用于所有住宅,商业和工业15和20安瓿,120/240V交流应用。他们必须使用一个被批准与刀叉锤式CH或BR断路器一起使用的负载中心。FIRE-GUARD afci有单极和双极两种类型。它们也可以与下游的GFCI设备一起使用,例如插座或接地故障继电器。 Siemens manufactures a branch/feeder arc fault circuit interrupter that incorporates all of the features of a thermal magnetic circuit breaker, overload and short circuit protection, with arc fault protection. Siemens AFCIs employ electronic circuitry to continuously monitor the circuit and determine the unique characteristics of arcing faults. When there is an instance of arc fault the AFCI opens the circuit and stops the flow of electricity in a fraction of a second. Some connected loads, such as motors and dimmer switches, have inherent arcing as a normal mode of operation, but the Siemens AFCI is designed to distinguish these arcing faults from hazardous faults.

有关afci的更多信息,请联系电力供应商店,电工或已经安装在家中的断路器制造商。有时这些组件可以在现有的电气面板箱中替换为afci。除非你有电气工作经验,否则请有资格的电工安装afci;不要试图自己做这项工作。安装有时需要在电气面板箱内工作,即使主断路器关闭,这些电气面板箱也可以带电。如果你有资格做这份工作,那就相对简单了。确定要更换的断路器。如果面板上没有识别电路,确定正确电路的一种方法是将收音机插入电路,然后关闭断路器,直到收音机停止。在每个需要afci的房间都这样做。用主断路器关闭电源,主断路器位于主面板的顶部中心。 Remember, power is still coming into the panel at the main breaker. Remove the old breaker by grasping the end where the branch wires are connected and pulling outward from the buss. Loosen the screws holding the branch wires in the old breaker, and pull the wires out. Install the branch wires into the appropriate screw holes of the AFCI circuit breaker, and tighten the screws. Position the new breaker into the buss slot with the screw terminal end facing outward from the center of the buss. Press the inside edge in place, then push the breaker toward the center of the panel buss, and press in to engage it in place. Fasten the panel neutral or pigtail to the panel neutral or load center. Finally, turn on the main breaker and close the panel door. AFCIs branch feed or circuit breaker replacement units cost about $25 to $35. Regardless the age of your home, you can provide greater electrical fire protection with the use of these new home products. They’re very economical insurance.

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