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不再有胶水蓝色预先涂上胶水的地板提供了另一种安装选择。特定的密封系统使用胶水激活器沿着每个板材的长短舌来激活胶水。然后就可以简单地把木板敲进去。该系统的设计提供了三倍于典型的点击式地板的连接强度,几乎不允许潮湿,污垢和缝隙。如果你有我们都渴望的艺术天赋,模块化地砖和条形组件可能是你的选择。这些瓷砖组件有各种各样的形状和颜色,允许您创建自己的原始设计。然而,这种类型的地板需要胶水来安装。这一点,再加上布置一个特定图案所需的额外时间,肯定会增加完成项目所需的时间。然而,成品肯定会比你的典型木地板增加更多的视觉乐趣。说到维护,保养强化地板其实很简单。 A dust mop or vacuum with the hard-floor attachment can be used, or it can be wiped occasionally with a damp cotton cloth or mop. For deeper cleaning, a spray cleaner can be used, or a mixture of a half cup of ammonia and a gallon of warm water. Nail polish remover with acetone can be used on heavy stains without fear of damage. You should never use detergent or wax-based products. Thus, your floor will never need to be waxed or refinished. To help keep your floor looking its best, a few basic guidelines should be followed. Mats should be used near exterior entrances to protect against dirt, gravel and other abrasive substances. You should also use felt dots on chair legs and other movable furniture. If minor damage does occur, it can usually be repaired with a finishing putty.

瓷砖时间如果你准备让你的创造力自由发挥,拿起你的小铲子,选择一个产品。说到瓷砖,设计的可能性是无穷无尽的。最好的部分是清洁和维护几乎是毫不费力的。说到瓷砖,许多公司提供了无数的选择。如今,许多瓷砖可以让你的地板看起来更自然。您的选择包括各种各样的颜色、图案和纹理,使您可以创建一个具有极大视觉兴趣的房间。方向性强的地板会使房间显得更长,而横向铺设的瓷砖会使房间显得更窄。瓷砖图案也可以用来将视线引导到房间的某个区域,统一两个房间或在一个空间中创建不同的区域。琉璃瓦,如美国奥利安的混合和匹配,是实心瓷砖,有各种各样的颜色。它们最好用于创建简单的钻石设计和图案。 Background octagon and pentagon tiles are also available. A coordinating tile, Accent Dots, can be used to coordinate with the basic Mix and Matchable tile. Tiles reminiscent of the earth’s natural formations are another popular pick. Color names such as polar, desert, canyon and ocean are suggestive of the tiles’ inspiration. These tiles come in several sizes and also include decorative borders and corners. This choice will allow you great flexibility in creating the perfect design. Borgo Antico is a porcelain tile that resembles the beauty of natural slate. As with natural slate, each tile will vary in texture and color. However, it is this blending and variation that give the floor its most natural appearance. Field tiles come in a variety of sizes, and the line also includes decorative tiles. When installing, most tile flooring can be applied directly to wood surfaces, over vinyl or linoleum, ceramic tile backerboards or onto concrete slabs. As for maintenance, ceramic tile is simple to maintain. Glazed tiles should be cleaned with a non-oil-based cleaner. They should also be vacuumed regularly and then wiped with a damp mop. For heavy cleaning, you should use a commercial tile cleaner or scouring powder. Unglazed tiles can be cleaned with water and a soapless detergent. Scouring powder can also be used for heavy cleaning of unglazed tiles. You should never use any product with ammonia on glazed or unglazed tiles, as it will discolor your grout. For the greatest stain protection, your grout should be sealed at least twice a year.



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